Our Approach

Our technology transforms an antiquated approach to burnout detection and progression into a dynamic, data-driven practice augmented by analytics and intelligence

Impact of Burnout Forces – Displays the detailed weight impacts of changes in burnout predictability on the target employee group. Drill down cycle-by-cycle, historical data is available for each area.

Scanning Results – Results of scanning Burnout categories are shown allowing the elevation of outliers to wellness affecting forces. ​

Focus for Action – Quickly focuses on identifying areas of dramatic change – “Action Areas” are flagged by the consulting partners.​

Cycle Based Results – Provides the cycle-based monitoring and scanning analysis results in a way that quickly highlights the areas requiring attention and allows for data analysis drill down and trend display.

Sense Burnout Signals

Interpret Relevance

Predict Burnout Hotspots

Adjust Intervention Strategy

BAT Leadership Dashboard

BAT Mobile Application

Employees will access our dashboard directly and will only need to spend less than 10 minutes per month interacting with our application.      ​

Employees receive monthly confidential personal dashboard that displays changes in key factors (Fatigue, Stress, Etc.) and change in scores over time.​

BAT AI Engine

BAT identifies the at-risk conditions (e.g., overtime, absenteeism, etc.) and psychological markers that proceed burnout and retention risk. ​

Statistical and machine-learning algorithms derive insight into cognitive and psychological states and team dynamics.

BAT Dashboard

Measure wellness in real-time without surveys.​​

Identify teams and departments with the greatest propensity for burnout.​

View historical trends to understand how events, communications, and organizational changes impact wellbeing.

Early Trends

  • During the first 1-3 months we can visualize emerging trends in the data collected from the iOS application, showing burnout trends and potential drivers of burnout.​​

  • Allows end users to see where their organization is headed.

Deeper Insights

  • After 6+ months we expect to deliver insight into specific departments/teams that are at risk of burnout and the indicators of burnout in those areas. ​​

  • Allows end users to gain actionable insights.